速報APP / 地圖與導航 / Find'em - The Festival assistant

Find'em - The Festival assistant



檔案大小:10.5 MB


版本需求:系統需求:iOS 10.0 或以後版本。相容裝置:iPhone、iPad、iPod touch。


Find'em - The Festival assistant(圖1)-速報App

We are festival geeks. We have been to dozen of festivals in the past years and if one thing was irritating it was the lack of ability to find our friends in a crowd. This was because of number of reasons. Phone vibration cannot be detected while dancing / drinking. Obviously you cannot actually hear the ringing while you headbanging near 15 of 1000W subwoofers creating 120 decibel of sound. Our only hope was to send a million text messages so maybe one would be detected so we can make a meeting point.

Enough of that! It’s the 21th century after all. So we made an application mainly focusing on large events where it can be hard to find each other. Ideally festivals, but the usage of the app is absolutely not limited to festivals, there are like a million ways to use it in other cases.

Find'em - The Festival assistant(圖2)-速報App

Back to the point, we had two main focus points. 1: This app must not deplete battery life more than any other of your apps, because on a festival, battery life is everything. 2: You must be able to find anybody who just downloaded the app, added you, and closed it, minding his/her own business in the festival, not giving a **** about the app at all. This is because tracking is your business you are the one who wants to find somebody, you should do the work, not the one, who is wanted. Next time don’t get lost :P

We made that happen. We notify the wanted person if somebody is looking for him. Of course the wanted person is in full control of his/her position tracking. It can be disabled, or it is possible to decline someone’s agenda to find you.

Find'em - The Festival assistant(圖3)-速報App

We tried really hard to make this as user friendly as possible, we know that it is far from perfect, but we totally appreciate constructive critiques and feature requests, we plan to upgrade this app in the following months.